Swimming Cities

Swoon, a streetartist (full name, Caledonia “Callie” Curry), invaded Venice a few years ago with ramshackle boats made of New York City garbage. Sound a bit surreal? The pictures of those vessels almost look like they belong in some post-apocolytpic world. The idea of the ships came to Swoon in a dream and although she wasn't invited, her recycled vessels made their maiden voyage into the Venice Biennale. Of course, the message of the boats isn't just punk-rock and doesn't this look cool, but one of resourcefulness and making the best of a bad situation. As the artist states, "The culture of eating and building out of Dumpsters is not an endpoint, not what any of us wants to be doing. It’s about living off a bad culture that we wish didn’t exist and making the resources that contribute to that situation no longer available to you." via

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